Instant Pooling


While I was optimizing one of my projects, I created a pooling system; but it wasn't as flexible as I had hoped. Since I didn't feel like throwing money at the asset store for a basic skill like object pooling, I decided to make my own general purpose asset that I can use in any of my projects. Once the asset was done, I thought that it would have been a good idea to publish it on the asset store in the hopes to get a few bucks, and that's exactly what I did! This tool so far has been a handy helper for optimizing projects since I made it so simple to configure. In the video, there's a short explanation I made on how it works. I've also created a really simple and small API to dynamically expand the system while the game is running, like this it can adapt to any kind of 2D, 2.5D and 3D scenario.

What I've Learned

When I first completed the tool, it was ugly; like - really ugly. Since at this point I had the intent to publish it to the asset store, I had to find a way to make it less ugly and more intuitive. I've learned a decent amount of Unity Editor scripting to create a basic interface. Afterwards, I extended its functionality so it would integrate itself flawlessly with the tool's original code. In addition to this, I've also learned about how to have a broader prospective when thinking about code; Things like "What if someone will want to do [...]?" have helped me develop the skill to create code that improves even further the quality of life of a project, so I can come back to it in a future moment and edit with extreme ease.